16 May, 2014

How Can I Add Colour To My Day?

The day was grey and dreary. My thoughts were trying to follow suit. It was as if the weather was drizzling into my mind and pulling wisps across my consciousness, conspiring to dull me down, to weigh me down, to dampen my day from the inside out!
How can I add colour to my day?
How can I change the current temperature in my mind?
Grey goes so nicely with other colours don't you think?
It's too early for chocolate....hmmm
I've already absorbed one cup of coffee.
What if the change I am seeking needs to come from within? I mean the thought might originate from my neck-top computer, but the source of my emotions, feelings, state of mind is deeper than that. It comes from my core. The who I am on the inside part.
I feel the corners of my mouth twitch just a little.
I am breathing....my heart is still beating....I have hope.
I have the quiet assurance that my life is made for more than a few wispy depressing thoughts on a drizzly day. I am made for more. I am made for more than what happens with the weather, or to my family and I. I do not need to let an external pressure determine my day. I am breathing....therefore I still have hope. My life, the very core of my being is handcrafted for a purpose. The author of life Himself has fashioned me for great things. Not only am I made in His image, but also for His glory to be displayed. What a cool thought. He has placed a mandate on my life to inspire and encourage. Inspire comes from the latin word "inspirare" which means to breathe life into. I love that. It speaks to me. I was born for a purpose, as long as I have breath I am to breathe life into others and inspire others with courage and confidence. I will start here, right now, in this moment.
You are born for more!
You are put here on this earth to be more than a consumer, you are here to make a contribution.
What can you do right now to add colour to someone else's day?
That is the secret...
Take your eyes off your external pressures and look at how you can help another.
Could you do it for one person?
Could you stop for just one?
I know you can do it.
You really can make a difference.
One at time...
Add colour to your day by stopping for one at a time...
Even if that is just the one in front of you.